The State-by-State Guide to Face Mask Mandates and COVID-19 – Sign Wise
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The State-by-State Guide to Face Mask Mandates and COVID-19 Requirements

Posted by Tayten Tullis on

The State-by-State Guide to Face Mask Mandates and COVID-19 Requirements


With now 34 states requiring masks, it's important to know what your state's rules are. Even if your state does not have a mask mandate, please social distance if possible and stay safe out there.


Alabama – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

The Alabama state government recommends everyone to minimize traveling outside the home, especially if sick. Wash hands frequently and refrain from touching one's face.

As of July 16, 2020, “Each person shall wear a mask or facial covering that covers his or her nostrils and mouth at all times when within 6 feet of a person from another household in any of the following places: an indoor space open to the general public, a vehicle operated by a transportation service, or an outdoor public space where ten or more people are gathered.”

Read the mask order here:


Alaska – Statewide Mask Mandate = NO

The Department of Health Social Services of Alaska “strongly encourages the wearing of masks in public” but so far has not mandated it. However, some cities in Alaska do have a mask mandate in place.  

Read more from the Alaskan Health Department here:


Arizona – Statewide Mask Mandate = NO

Those employed or are customers at cosmetologists and hairstylists must have a mask and they are recommended in other situations. However several other cities do have mask mandates.

Read more from the Arizona Health Department about masks and their COVID-19 emergency response here:


Arkansas – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson mandated masks on July 16. The mandate is exempt of children under the age of 10. This includes places of worship, retail stores, schools, courtrooms, healthcare facilities, and other people's homes.

Read more about the Arkansas mask order here:

California – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

California had a mask mandate since June 18 requiring citizens to wear a mask in “most settings outside the home.” This included inside, in line, public transportation, or in any indoor public space The mandate exempts children from masks under 2 years of age. Masks are required to be worn in hospitals, pharmacies, dental offices, public transportation, and ride-sharing services.

Read more from the California Public Health Department here:


Colorado – Statewide Mask Mandate = Yes

The Governor of Colorado Jared Polis enacted a mandate for everyone to wear a mask for indoor public spaces. Children under 10 were exempt from the order.  Any employees working for Mass Transportation operations or Critical business, along with state employees are required to wear masks. The order states that anyone who endangers the health of others by knowingly entering in a public indoor space is in violation of this order and could face prosecution.

Read more from Colorado’s Mask Order Here:


Connecticut – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

A mask order was issued on April 17 which is still in effect. The order required a face covering or mask for anyone in a public place for those unable to social distance. This includes using any service such as taxi, ride-sharing services, public transportation, etc. Children under 2 are exempt.

Read more about the mask order here:


Delaware – Statewide Mask Mandate = Yes

Governor John Carney declared a state-of-emergency for everyone over to wear masks in public settings. The order has been updated for anyone in kindergarten or older to wear masks in public settings, including school buildings. Citizens are urged to save medical-grade masks such as the N95, KN95, and surgical masks for health care workers. In place cloth or more robust face coverings are appropriate. Along with guidance to frequently wash hands, staying home as much as possible, and avoid going out if sick.

Read more about the guidance for face coverings here:


District of Columbia – Citywide Mask Mandate = YES

Citizens of DC are required to wear masks when they leave their homes and if they are likely to come in contact with other members of the public. The mandate has been extended to cover common areas of buildings such as apartment complex hallways and requires businesses to deny entry to those without masks. Businesses that are open to the public shall post signage on exterior doors stating that those without masks may not enter. Employers must also supply masks to their employees.

Read more about DCs mask order here:


Florida – Statewide Mask Mandate = NO

Florida does not have a statewide mask mandate in place but does recommend that face coverings be worn in public. However several cities do have mask mandates in place, including Miami-Dade, Tampa, and Palm Beach. Be sure to check your local areas' health department.

Read more about Florida’s Public Health Advisory here:



Georgia – Statewide Mask Mandate = NO

Georgia does not have a statewide mask mandate in place but does, “strongly encourage face coverings as practical”. However several cities and areas have fought to have their own mask mandate and some have them in place.

Read more about Georgia Public Health Order here:



Hawaii – Statewide Mask Mandate – YES

Hawaii's emergency proclamation requires face masks for customers or those at a place of business. This also includes employees who come into contact with customers. Along with mask mandates, social distancing has also been required for everyone to the fullest extent possible. This includes checkout lines and or businesses that have waiting lines for customers.

Read more about Hawaii’s proclamation here:


Idaho – Statewide Mask Mandate = NO

Idaho does not have a statewide mask mandate in place, but several cities including the capital Boise do have mask orders. For questions about your area in Idaho, please contact your local health department.

To read more about Idaho’s COVID-19 response here:


Illinois – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Illinois does have a mask mandate in place that affects everyone over the age of 2 and medically able to wear a mask in public. This includes traveling on public transportation, interacting with customers and clients, picking up food from a drive-thru, and shopping at essential businesses.

Read more about Illinois response to the virus here:


Indiana – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Anyone over the age of 8 is required to wear a mask in most public areas. This includes schools and other areas, adults are also required to wear masks on school property. Inside businesses, public buildings, or any indoor place open to the public will require masks. This does not however extend to private offices or private workspaces if social distancing can be achieved.

Read more about the mandate here:


Iowa – Statewide Mask Mandate = NO

Iowa does not have a mandate in place but does recommend mask-wearing to those who feel sick or are vulnerable. Social distancing should be maintained if at all possible.

Read more from the Iowa response:


Kanas – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

The mask mandate requires face coverings in public for all those over the age of 5. The state law has said local counties can opt-out of state directives and most are now not following a mask order. Check your local area's health department to see what directives are in effect.

Read more about the Kanas mask order here:


Kentucky – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Children under 5 are exempt from the mandate. It states that masks are required for people in situations that represent a high risk of COVID-19 transmission. This includes most public settings and areas, including nail salons, child care facilities, restaurants, health care areas, and any other indoor public space.


Read more about Kentucky’s executive order here:


Louisiana – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Until at least August 28th, face masks are required in public settings. This does not apply to children under 8 years old. This includes any building open to the public whether indoor or outdoor, along with public or commercial transportation services.

Read more from the Governor of Louisiana here:


Maine – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Maine requires face mask coverings in public settings where other physical distancing measures are difficult to maintain. This includes stores, restaurants, grocery stores, outdoor bars, lines for take out services, and hotels. It does not apply to children under 2.

Read more about Maines mask mandate here:


Maryland – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Anyone over the age of 5 must wear a mask in all indoor and outdoor public spaces in Maryland. This includes food and retail establishments, public transportation, taxi, religious buildings, fitness centers, and personal service establishments.

Read more about the mandate here:


Massachusetts – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Anyone who is unable to maintain proper social distancing is required to wear a mask and is over the age of 2. This includes grocery stores, pharmacies, taxi and ride-sharing services, public transportation, and retail buildings.

Read more from the Governor here:


Michigan – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Anyone over the age of 4 is required to wear a mask in any indoor public space or any space that is a “crowded outdoor space”. Businesses are required to refuse service to those attempting to enter without a mask. Along with masks, businesses are required to train employees on infection-control practices, provide masks, and the proper use of protective equipment.

Read more about the mandate here:


Minnesota – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Minnesota requires face coverings in indoor business and indoor public settings. It does not apply to living units unless a worker is required to enter another persons home or living unit. The order also includes public transportation, ride-sharing, venues or public spaces, and for workers who cannot maintain social distancing.

Read the order here:


Mississippi – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

All citizens of Mississippi are required to wear masks at any public gathering or inside retail businesses. Many counties are included but not all of them. All employees must be screened at the beginning of their shift, along with any employees in contact with the public must wear a mask.

Read more about the mandate here:,21866,420.html#EO1507


Missouri – Statewide Mask Mandate = NO

Several cities and counties have their own mask mandates but there is no statewide order for masks. They are recommended to be worn by the Governor.

Read the guidance from Missouri’s health department:


Montana – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Masks are required in Montana for all indoor public spaces and any outdoor activity. This includes weddings, markets, or any place where customers will come in contact with employees. The order does not include children under the age of 5.

Read more from the Montana Governor here:


Nebraska – Statewide Mask Mandate = NO

Nebraska does not have a statewide mandate but does require them for some businesses. These include hair salons and barbershops, and other personal service businesses. Masks are recommended for public settings and restaurants but not required.

Read more from the Nebraska department of health here:


Nevada – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

The directive excludes children under 9 and the homeless. Masks are required in public space, whether public or privately owned.

Read the rest of the directive here:


New Hampshire – Statewide Mask Mandate = NO

Masks are required for gatherings of 100 people or more unless social distancing is maintained. This order does not apply to children under the age of 2 or those in k-12 school. Masks should be worn at all pharmacy, doctor offices, grocery stores, and other settings where social distancing cannot be maintained.

Read the mask guidelines here:


New Jersey – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

New Jersey has required masks to be worn in all indoor premises open to the public. This includes retail, mass transit, food establishments, and personal care facilities.

Read the order here:


New Mexico – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

The Governor of New Mexico has ordered that the state aggressively enforce the mask mandate. The order states that all individuals shall wear a mask in public settings except when eating or drinking.

Read more from the order here:


New York – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Being one of the hardest-hit states the mask mandate applies to anyone over the age of 2 when in a public place and to maintain social distancing.

Read the New York mask order here:


North Carolina – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

The mandate applies to anyone over the age of 2 in North Carolina. Masks are required in retail businesses, restaurants, personal care and tattoo businesses, child care and camps, transportation and meat processing plants.

Read the order here:


North Dakota – Statewide Mask Mandate = NO

There is no mandate in the state of North Dakota but wearing a mask and social distancing is strongly encouraged.

Read the North Dakota Smart Restart Plan here:


Ohio – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Masks must be worn by those above 10 years  and in public spaces and indoor where social distancing is not possible. This includes public transportation, taxi, and any indoor location that is not a residence.

Read the Governors mask order here:


Oklahoma – Statewide Mask Mandate = NO

A few cities have adopted mask mandates, including Tulsa, but no statewide mask mandate is in effect.

Read more from the Oklahoma Department of Health here:


Oregon – Statewide Mask Mandate = Yes

The mandate covers everyone over the age of 5. Masks must be worn in public outdoor areas. This includes public and private office spaces.

Read the mandate here:


Pennsylvania – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Everyone over the age of 2 is required to wear a mask in the state of Pennsylvania. This includes outdoor areas where social distancing is not possible, taxis, public transportation, engaging in work with any members of the public, or where food is prepared.

Read the order here:


Rhode Island – Statewide Mask Mandate = Yes

Anyone over the age of 2 is required to have a face-covering in public spaces and retail outlets.

Read the order from the Governor here:


South Carolina – Statewide Mask Mandate = NO

While no statewide order for masks exists, several cities and counties do have mask mandates in place. Be sure to check your local health department for updates.

Read the South Carolina Health Department COVID-19 Guideline here:


Tennessee – Statewide Mask Mandate = NO

No statewide mask mandate is in place but the Governor of Tennessee has urged people to wear face masks in public places. Some areas have enacted mask mandates, including the cities of Memphis and Nashville.

Read Tennessee COVID-19 Guidelines here:



Texas – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Children under the age of 10 are exempt from the mandate. Some counties and areas can apply for an exemption from the mask order.

Read the Governors Mask Order Here:


Utah – Statewide Mask Mandate = NO

No statewide mandate exists in Utah but several cities and areas have mandated masks, including Salt Lake City. Masks have also been required in government and k-12 schools.

Read the Utah Health Departments guidelines here:


Vermont – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Anyone over the age of 2 in Vermont is required to wear a mask in public settings both indoor and outdoors.

Read the order here:


Virginia – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Anyone over the age of 10 is required to wear a mask in Virginia in indoor settings to which the public has access. This includes salons, spas, tattoo shops, food establishments, retail businesses, public transport, and amusement parks.

Read more about the order here:


Washington – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Masks are required for everyone over the age of 2 in Washington that is going out in public, including indoor public spaces. Social distancing is also required if at all possible.

Read the COVID-19 guidelines here:


West Virginia – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

Those over the age of 6 are required to wear masks in the state of West Virginia. Masks are required in indoor public spaces or when in someone else’s home. If social distancing cannot be achieved masks are required.

Read the executive over here:


Wisconsin – Statewide Mask Mandate = YES

All those over the age of 5 in Wisconsin are required to wear masks in all indoor public settings and in enclosed spaces. This includes taxis, public transit, outdoor park structures, outdoor bars, and ride share services.

Read the executive order here:


Wyoming – Statewide Mask Mandate = NO

Those visiting salons and some service businesses are required to wear masks but there is no statewide mask mandate in place. Social distancing is recommended at all times in public if possible and states that wearing a mask is “not a substitute for social distancing.”

Read guidelines from Wyoming here:


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